What does a move on the web mean? If you consider the one-off steps in such a process, every move will pay off. Pages that should be strategically polished, faster and more user-friendly require preparation.
A) Destination. You have to know where you are going. What do you take with you, what do you throw away, what do you give away?
In the case of the website, this means that the added value created by the move must be arguable through the additional effort. The server, the hosting service, the ease of processing and the associated costs play a major role. Everything is prepared for the future location on a test environment.
B) Transport. How do you move and bring all parts (e.g. elements of a box) undamaged to their destination with the appropriate specialists.
The speed of the page must be tested in advance. It is advisable to take a content inventory of the existing page and check (SEO) the relevance of the content. The communication goals to be achieved are in the foreground.
C) Construction. Where are the known and new facilities in the area to experience largely little effort after the move is over.
If A and B have been carried out carefully, the page can be set up within 24 hours. The existing domain will be transferred to the new infrastructure including technical and content elements. Tests (function, links, etc.) are brought to a conclusion through tools and manual evaluation.
Building a new page is often more useful than updating an old one. This is because of the possibilities that are license-free and optimized in accordance with Google. On the other hand, in-house knowledge plays with content systems and much more. an equally important role that must be discussed in advance with the operator of the site.
Nobody wants to find out with horror that the extra effort seems to never end. So you should think about what you want, when you want it and what it will cost.