A shop works or it doesn’t work. This can be due to different conditions. Whether template (loading speed), content structure or awareness, Google always plays along.
If you build a shop and it works badly or not, the disappointment is often great. A lot of time and commitment was put into a functioning, successful online shop at the time the shop was opened. As fast as the digital world moves and customer orientation is gaining in importance, it is just as important to stay on the ball.
Some factors are set in stone (although their implementation is subject to changing times). This includes the user-friendliness or usability of a product page or website. It is important to enable the user to achieve business goals effectively and efficiently in his application context. Good usability is less noticeable than bad. A harmonious interface between people and technology (website, end devices, etc.) is therefore a component that contributes to the success of your shop.
The user experience is important for the content structure of content pages. Aesthetic and emotional components control and support trust and fun in use. This can lead to longer dwell times and massively support customer loyalty (or achieve the opposite with less good execution). Furthermore, product constellations: which products fit better with others, are bought together or come from the same category can be defined and measured for success (KPI).
The linking strategy within product sections is exciting, but also affects the pure content area. To what extent this has relevance for the achievement of goals has already been conceptually clarified and also measured for success. It is important to consider a broader linking strategy with partners and to let Google know that others are (hopefully) enthusiastic about the importance of the presence.
Loading speeds are often related to the setup of the server and its load with increased access, template programming and image sizes or videos (streaming). Importantly, if a user comes to a page that is slow to load (regardless of the enthusiasm that led to the visit), frustration is inevitable. This is accompanied by a loss in Google’s quality ranking and a loss of customer trust. Performance checks are therefore essential in order to know the technical components clearly and meaningfully in advance as a hurdle for success from your own path.
It goes without saying that it is a matter of course to keep the site and products up to date. Google wants to be able to show its customers relevant results and therefore evaluates activities that take place by the operator of the site in the background. It is therefore advisable to continuously monitor content with good content optimization and search engine optimization in order to achieve the greatest possible success with the user (through pleasure) and business (through sales). Smooth processes are essential.