
[ Blog ] WordCamp

The WordCamp Vienna took place from April 7th to 8th at the UNI campus in the old general hospital. The number of speakers was plentiful. The mood was shaped by entrepreneurship.

After having dealt a lot with WordPress and its functionalities and always meeting new customer requirements: the WordCamp and his lectures were inspiring and varied. These ranged from Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Gutenberg (new coding), Google Tools, General Data Protection Regulation (DSVGO, May 25th in force) to content questions (blogs).

WordPress offers its system license-free to all users worldwide, employs a horde of developers from the For-Profit branch WordPress.com a > work. WordPress is used by websites (with a known content management system or CMS) according to W3Tech (2010-2018, Detail ) used with around 60%:

The use including unknown CMS and self-programmed CMS is around 30% worldwide.

Automattic is the parent company that e.g. JetPack, WooCommerce and many more. home. The concern: “ We are passionate about making the web a better place” (Source: Automattic a >) This results in employment for possible, meaningful applications in the field of digital marketing.

Back to camp : The range of content was well mixed for people in consulting, designers and developers. All were informed about the status and outlook in WordPress development by external speakers & amp; Partner ( presentations a>) entertainingly informed. Important information was critically examined, goals clearly communicated and problems made transparent. The significant lightness of topics in development was clearly communicated.

The uncomplicated, smooth and respectful interaction of a family community was particularly pleasing. The event completely reflected the WordPress spirit.

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