Everyone seems to agree: platforms determine the future. Platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Alibaba etc. are mentioned in the same breath as places of encounter on the Internet try to map regional diversity.
The Covid-19 crisis has certainly brought us closer to the possibilities of digitization. Almost everyone agrees on this too. But what this closeness consists of, which we experience daily on our smartphones and tablets – usability experts are working on it, digital guides and content experts. In order to be able to afford this, the support of the red-white-red government offers a wide range.
If one can exclude these experts] [as many platform initiatives do, the lack of users or addresses [companies] results in a lack of benefit, added value for those who come to the page, for whom the page is waiting, for the one who advertises the site, etc.
That means, yes, everyone can gain access to the technology. It also means that platforms that consist of one hand and are looking for a second, or even need a couple of legs, are only complete when these elements come together.
The more we mature, the more we understand that we have two hands: one to help ourselves and the other to help others.
Audrey Hepburn
The standardization of existing platforms is strongly related to the target market, the needs and wishes. Creativity and people are at the center, whereby technical possibilities can create a connection.
In my opinion, it shouldn’t force a connection. A “uniform” good concept and a “uniform” bad concept have the same problem: a lack of flexibility in a world that is defined by change. Willingness and courage to change direction. Fearless to question your own ideas.