When you start a project together, you often have no idea how much time or work will really go into it: you guess, you know, you see, or overlook (time) – all from experience. The customer is similar – you hope, you believe, you need, or lose (trust) – all from experience.
If you have a product that seduces or makes life sweeter, has a heart for animals and would like to independently organize (co-determine) appeals for donations, they all have one thing in common – INNOCENCE [ ARGLOSIGKEIT ] paired with COURAGE [ MUT ]. The banks call it belief in the future, the economy calls it together we can do it, I call it ARGMUTIGKEIT [ works much better in German]. Not a sounding word, but it points the way.
For such and other big hearts of this country, STRIPE offers nice functions, easy access to payment processing (technically easy). You can even donate percentages for climate protection per transaction, as a company, reported to the customer. 🙂
This changes little in terms of the complexity and the many possibilities for procedures. But no one thinks about that either, because if a car is on the road, it’s still driving on it and the manufacturer is off the hook. This is not the case with us IT service providers – we know the words (almost like insurers) liability and guarantee, and combine them with others such as “duty”.
Nevertheless, customer service can only work where there is one.
Endless loops of artificial intelligence (AI) [ Note – EU harmonization for artificial intelligence, April 2021 ] Question-answer reference works, emails or unavailability distinguish quality from .. well, what I’m wondering about, a new word KÜNSTELLISERV [ works much better in German]
Personality and accessibility, speed and humanity are essential for communication about bypassing, avoiding, direct straight, to the goal – a company appearance that makes sense and is already a pleasure. SENSE FREUDE as a reward for everyone involved in the project.