Change in a pandemic also means keeping track of things and staying calm. When a lot of small things like raindrops patter on decision-makers and soak the time of the day, when external influencing factors determine everyday business life – then an external perspective is helpful.
Transformation processes are teamwork. Transformation is supported by a project to achieve the entrepreneurial vision, developed by key personnel and accompanied by consultants. Experts often see the possibility of island solutions and implementations. Consultant also the whole thing in the interests of the customer.
Internal change needs inner clarity. In order to achieve this, workshops, discussions, and dealing with the perspective of internal resources are necessary. Isolated solutions as evidence of a willingness to change are possibly a first step in digital transformation, the learning process of the company with adaptations and system changes costs significantly more. If you have selected an overall concept that makes sense and suppliers (experts) for the implementation, you go the way together.
The lace is only lonely when it is not worn. The motivation and joy of internal and external resources work together through the clarity of the change project.