What does altered targeting mean and why is it so important? Targeting occupies us marketers at the beginning of our career. We work with schemes (e.g. Sinus Mileus, Austria), with personas (short descriptions of a target group person), we project our assumptions into the specifications of Facebook and more expensive media planning options.
If we know about our target group, our target group persons or TARGETS, it is not only important to understand them, it is important to understand them. BUT no science needs to be done before developing a campaign. Depending on the prior knowledge (within the company) about the target groups to be addressed, data can be used, experiences (seasonal components) from previous years can be used, mistakes can be avoided.
Now we have a unique situation in the history of advertising. Despite the pandemic, we kept our communication channels open and were able to exchange ideas. With the help of technical aids (Zoom, Skype, MS Teams and many more), costs were sometimes saved. Traveling expenses.
This new, learned behavior, the change within the sectors (lack of skilled workers in many sectors due to interventions in the market economy with the help of fears of a pandemic), and consumer behavior that has already changed is slowly being turned upside down again (price increases).
We’ll probably have to adjust to the fact that we don’t really know anything about our targets. Just as many small and large companies have given themselves up to the floods of economic impotence, we as creative people are required to stop and move forward. In the digital realm, targeting is associated with measurability. A consolation and argument for all budgets.