Providing an online shop for your customers is one of several options for marketing your own products. The .pdf view of selected products (features per category, promotional products, seasonal products) can work in parallel.
Initially, the question arises: are all products sold online? Some products are more suitable for online sales, require technical know-how or are more difficult (size, product conditions) to ship.
An online shop offers the display of products with and without an order option. The word “shop” is a technical reference for a stored program. Sometimes it is interesting to test which products are relevant for your own customers. Furthermore, should there be a connection to an existing (or to be set up) merchandise management system, inventory or similar?
An “online catalog” (shop without order functionality) is possible with the same system (e.g. WooCommerce). The extent to which this makes sense (in which, for example, the technical background structure is set up in parallel) is up to economic and strategic components. Companies that know they have to or want to sell online to be successful launch completely in the first step.
Others who operate locations with customer traffic and want to gradually integrate the digital medium can, for example. evaluate beforehand: How many users come to my website and are specifically interested in my products? Are there groups that are particularly exciting for my customers and that are often clicked on? How long is the dwell time? This can lead to strategic differences for online sales.
The “order option” in the shop can be completely hidden in this case. It is purely customer information (with evaluations in the background). In the case of products that require a lot of advice, contact options (“Send request” button) must be stored. This enables an exchange between the customer and the contact person (company).
The shop version as a catalog view (without prices) is technically unproblematic. If the order option is considered in a shop (and not the catalog function without the option to order), a contact option is displayed for sold out products.
Should a .pdf view (online leaflets) be considered, this can be displayed parallel to the shop (+/- price and order option). The effort here lies in the creation and maintenance based on valid offer periods and legal components. In-house production is possible and often unproblematic. The connection to a product information system is technically very complex. The economic added value (ROI) should be weighed here.